Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Meet "Zebra"

I love holiday traditions and this year we started one.  We have our very own "Elf on the Shelf" that comes to visit us every night and greets the girls first thing in the morning in a new spot around the house.  The first night he came we adopted him and the girls chose to name him Zebra.  Not the most suiting holiday name but a name nonetheless.  So, Zebra it is.

Zebra watches over the girls and listens to them all day long.  Then once they fall asleep he flies off to the North Pole with all the other elves to meet with Santa.  Then he flies back in first thing in the morning, before they wake, and lands in a different spot to surprise them when they wake.  They absolutely LOVE Zebra and I'm so happy to have him around the house, especially when he watches the not-so-good behavior... because you know, he reports that to Santa too :)

This is where he has been hiding for the past 13 days:

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