Wednesday, October 27, 2010

9 Months Old

Baby bean had her 9 month well visit today. She's 29" tall and 17.5lbs! The last few months have been filled with mastering milestones, from speed crawling to cruising furniture to babbling sweet things (including mama and dada)! Her top two teeth are on their way and have been for what seems like FOREVER. She loves her big sister and is trying to do everything she does. Still trying to figure out what puffs are and hasn't been overly thrilled with starting chunky solid foods yet but boy o' boy she won't turn down any purees that I make. She is one happy baby!!!

I technically took these on the same day as our photo shoot but with the purpose of using them for her 9 month photos. We took a walk around Fort McHenry and it was gorgeous... that will be tomorrow's post :) For now, I leave you with Miss Piper:


  1. Another great beautiful grandchild! I Love It!!!!

  2. Those are the best pictures!!
