Sunday, June 19, 2011

Relay For Life

We had a fabulous time at the Relay for Life event this year. We kept the girls up extra late and stayed a little bit longer to join the fight against cancer and to cheer the UPS team along (including all the other group sponsors too)!

First, my heart still goes out to my family... Aunt Eileen, Theresa, Bridget, and Matt - your dad was taken from us way to soon but his life was filled with joy and happiness because of all of you! We still keep you in our thoughts everyday and hope that you are finding peace during this difficult time.

And to a dear friend that was also taken from us way to soon, Tony Tilley. A friend of ours and a cancer SURVIVOR purchased this luminary in his honor and memory and Piper happened to stumble upon it when we were taking laps. It was the strangest sequence of events and was so happy to have my camera around my neck at the time.

I actually have many more to share but since I really didn't get everyone's permission to blog I figured I would play it safe and share those that had my family in it.

What were they pondering??!?!!?

Apparently they thought it was time to race and Piper got SMOKED! And she didn't like it one bit!

Getting ready to be part of the "pit crew" and start the race!

They melt my heart... I ran away to get my 24-70 lens and I came back to giggles and hat swapping! She didn't even see me as I was snapping away!

Taking our laps and stopping at the "UPS Package Car":

Piper took a detour:

Thank you for letting me share. To all those fighting and those that have passed... our hearts are with you! Hold your loved ones tighter, kiss them longer, and love them unconditionally as we all know how short life can be. Good night.


  1. What a wonderful post! Love you all.

  2. The picture with Tony's name on it brought tears to my eyes. I still think about him so often. Thank you for sharing!
