Tuesday, March 30, 2010

PT Update...

These posts may be a little less than interesting seeing that we are pretty much glued to the house for the next 3 days.  It's all about London and her potty training boot camp progress until Wednesday! 

Day 2: I'm happy to say that she made it the entire night (8:00pm - 7:00am) without an accident.  I woke up this morning thinking she would be in a huge puddle but low and behold she wasn't.  We started off the day with 5 accidents, catching 3 of them and finishing them in the potty.  I think it's wearing her out a little bit because she took a 4 hour nap and stayed dry the entire time.  At that point we had to leave the house to enjoy Sedar dinner with our friends so what were we to do?!?!  We put a diaper on BUT she never needed it!  We got to the house and we tried 3 times and on the third time London used the potty!  We are so proud of her!!!

And this would be her "potty dance"!  :-)

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